where by her ethical of Sabbath and meditation of heart struggle to be is being belayed when she slumbered ,the queen of Sri Maha Maya Devi saw the prefix omen dream which it persist the pregnant in her oral who is the Almighty of Buddha.
Portrait phenomena dream: The Satumahariz celestial of four fairies fetch her syn hoist haul via her slumber shrine and they put her in the stone throne where subsist site of Himavonsa of Anortes poon.
             The angels rinse and dip her to amputate her body of nasty and they ornament her not merely angel figs but also angel scent,too is,to be decked the angel flower.
                They bear to repose her by her head to victor orient where is gold shrine site of  insight silver mountain distance semi near and semi utmost via Anortes poon.
                Consequently,she dreamed that the unicameral white elephant appear via the north side and the elephant whirr and amen by spinning the right then raid to her oral throughout the backward .
                 She  dreamed as above and she pregnant in the same time. When she pregnant,yon are adduce the weird bode such as huge quake with fair and thirty-two of prefix omen. The categories are -
1.Ten thousands of earth and acquiesce are huge wag at the same time.
2-The season is fine syn hot less and chilly less.
3-The Catholic appear sooth and noise teasing void of
4- Avoid of blasts and impact the zephyrs.
5-Acquiesce flow stop in the Gunga and Yamona .
6- Sheer of flower blooming as superimposed  noose soaring .
7-The welkin of comics are very bright and gleam.
8-Shrill out the blowing instrument without playing.
9-Downfall the flower and scent via celestial.
10- Be echo syn the space,welkin and earth shrill.
11-Inflammation spark stop via the eight abyss.

12- Sun is  shine without misting ,aura and cumulus.
13-Be phase the comics in the day as night scene .
14- Acquiesce flow to rinse the nasty without raining.
15-Be shine the comics and  all planets.
16- Be phase significantly the Tassavisa planet.
17-The moon match with Visakha planet.
18- Dig organism slip out via cave and tunnel.
19-All blokes ascetic and no greed.
20- Allay the stricken via infect pain.
21- Void of famine subsist.
22-No famine for  Dhumaroruva.  
23-Scarce the whipping snapper ,avarice wright and rage wright.
24-Relief via twenty five debacle in the four abyss.
25- The water and fog aren't drape on the surrounding and the scene is greenery.
26- Slate the nasty scent.
27- Smell the fairy scent.
28-Be phase the six celestial and sixteen of Brahma monde except the four body less Brahma monde.
29-Be see all damn man .
30-Vacuum all sight as not skulk the mountain ,building and wall  .
31- Be immortal for all creatures.
32-Void of pregnant ant begetting.

