Complemention To The Lord Of Buddha

    The Lord of Buddha" Ghosama" wreak to occupy as the almighty subsistance,he comserve virtue which it compensate till four of infenities and one lukh monde.In the "Amaravase"city camp a rich man,too is,he possess the absurdence luxury who beggeted The Lavae of Lord"Sumada".In spite he chased the dainty of beautifull complexion,conotation of stay stead of coinside,he was ultra rich man of son.In brat survivey,his sponseres wrap along the rescue of dead since doom of enmities haulled.                                                                              In addolessence,Sumada comtamplated utter to  donaration and pursuage of ethical meditation since he curb accomplish of politicate.Reserv-stuff shun where differ sheer of sortes to donar in citta.In the Himavonsa forest of allias Dhammica regein he comstructed a temple and dewelled.Where at tense,The Lord of Buddha "Depenkara"of cerisson cult survived.In one of alamanac's date,The Lavae Lord of Buddha "Sumada" spare for dish he wink syn the poltentive in the welkin,the public convergive crowd withal the frolic and skip,where concur,his phase wag to paste wherefore you actuate tuck of ace ambit?He propounded!They retorted that "We redipose the route since The Lord of Buddha " Depenkara"will to progress.Sumada demanded to redeck for the route.  
           The throng of people admit the hard of course- route they have accquinted which yon are Sumada's accomplish of poltentive where at he eliminate to bestir the poltentive reprompting and crane up the send syn render himself.The Lord of Buddha "Depenkara" progressed ancillary the four lukh of periest before he prompt.So,he wrap himself as the bridge of vicevasa stomach since the two legs of stay steady's retouching which it to deck ripple tense.When The Lord of Buddha "Depenkara"hail will night him,he conjuture perhaps it weaves The Lord of Buddha subsistance to resort the paradise as The Lord of Buddha "Depenkara"ancillary honour of worship to him,mention above which it compose steering of citta addumden agglutinate to adhere The Lord of Buddha. He swore it!
          The Lord of Buddha "Depenkara" annex to progress grandually and he adhere acess to Sumada's vicevasa abdomen weald.The Lord of Buddha "Depenkara" perceived sheer stand for Sumada gosdonar to snuggle The Lord of Buddha and he sacrified the victim of his survivey.These endowment,,
Perhaps it is participate,it beraid merelychucky of aliva albeit also The Lord of Buddha was sue and he depose his chic as vicevasa stomach of bridge.The Lord of Buddha"Depenkara"utter,Sumada's coupe aid as The Lord of Buddha"Depenkara"cult dynasty haulling to copioous stuff withal repeal the ash of circle whosoever prompt to be will be towwed syn sarmon of....
              The Lord of Buddha "Depenkara" hurl appocalypse which he utter that the hermit will swamp the cult of buddhism syn The Lord of Buddha life who appellate"Ghosama"by compensation of virtue if trim on bin of aphabet,it ulmost care of these monde to the four infenities and one lukh monde.Cathoic and universal unanimous of the celestial fiaries acclaim The Lavae Lord of Buddha"Sumada"and exclaim the accolative asseveration.Fro these appocalypse adjunt the dwellance ,in his mind creeping the authentical sturdy  and agglomaration of atom for The Lord of Buddha life.In deffered of incessants survivey,unconsious of agglomaration atom comstrue to opli-insist sustain,too.In Vaesansara circle of alliving,yonder texture the seg-opligory,coinsidely,in Tansutisa fiary of reel on survivey excellent promina stand for.Ulmost of aliving  "Sheikdhassa"prince when he reffer to the monarch of Shoudodana's son,The Lord of Buddha's shade certificate merely The Lord of Buddha's variance albeit also distinct the promina-palm of print.
            The Lavae Lord of Buddha arise a fiary in the celestial world just allias "Saesakasu".All are know that he possess The Lavae Lord of Buddha when he die fro these life.
            Cathoic celestial fiaries gaze syn five asserting.There are_
1.Kala(:compile to "Tense of The Lord of Buddha")
2.Depa(:scheme to"Archipellago of The Lord of Buddha)
3Daysa.(:compile to"Site of The Lord of Buddha)
4.Kula(:scheme to "Holy Race"
5.Maruaruparatesaeda(:compile to "Moth's Partition").
            The Saesakasu fiaries agree the crowd of fiaries's appealable submittance syn propose the decent of gazive asserting .Follow he resort to Nandavon court with seige of fiaries and agglutinate the pregnancy to the moth Mara.
